Practitioners & Services

Tatia Fick
Inlight Therapy Practitioner
Tatia is a certified Light Therapy Practitioner with InLight Therapy polychromatic LED light systems. She started her journey with Light Therapy in 2016 and has assisted over 100 clients in their wellness journey. InLight Therapy uses near infrared pads to relieve pain, increase circulation, and release Nitric Oxide.
Tatia also is a curator for local art tours of Sedona.
Click here to book a session and learn more about Light Therapy .
Click here to learn more about Sedona Art Tours

Gary Stuart
Constellation Facilitator
GARY STUART is a master Constellation Healing facilitator of more than 20 years, author, and transformational speaker. His popular book, MASTER YOUR UNIVERSE: How to Direct and Star in Your Own Life, shows you how to approach your life as a movie that you are producing and directing, not sitting in the audience.
Gary is internationally recognized for exploring invisible family dynamics through ancestral Family Constellations, which identifies ancestral family systems and negative entanglements that are affecting a person’s life right now.
Learn more about Gary and his work HERE

Dr. Anngwynn St Just, PhD
Systemic Trauma Work
Systemic Constellations Experiential Group
Dr. Anngwynn St Just PhD is the founder of the world's only University of Trauma. She will share her 60 years of experience teaching and practicing Systemic Family and Collective Social Trauma Constellations in this 3-part series on the hidden roots of historical collective trauma. She is also a cultural historian, trauma specialist and somatic educator who specializes in developing multi-modal, cross cultural methods for trauma education and recovery.

Cheryl Bailey
Soulpreneur & Sound Healer
Searching for answers after facing several traumatic and life-altering events, Cheryl found a sense of purpose and meaning through the practice of yoga and meditation. Their teachings served as an anchor and healing modality, creating a deep and radical shift spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. This shift in perspective inspired her to create a space for sharing what she learned with others.
In 2018, she combined her love of academics with personal and spiritual growth and launched her venture as a Soulpreneur and founded Grit and Grace Meditation, LLC. Her journey to living her best life is ongoing. She is constantly studying and learning new tools for personal growth, healing, and self-care, while keeping up to date on the latest research in those areas. One of her deepest passions is working with sound as vibrational medicine, knowing that sound promotes deep relaxation and has the power to create, move and shift energy. Her practice grows as she continues to dive deep into this musical medicine that activates and awakens the soul.
Cheryl’s dream of taking what was once a part-time side-hustle, is now a reality as she works full-time as a holistic practitioner in Sedona, Arizona. To connect with her you can visit her website at

​Jeremy R. Werner
Acupuncturist & CranioSacral Therapist
As a child, I had a passion for play, imagination, Nature, Native American traditions, learning and people.
My extensive teaching experience has included courses at the Masters level for Emperor’s College and AIMS in acupuncture therapeutics, diagnostics and techniques, human energy anatomy, Five Elements and Esoteric Acupuncture as well as private classes in various energy healing modalities, shamanic journeying, intuitional development and astrology.
I am a life-long learner and always love to hone new techniques to help my clients. I have been an acupuncturist for over 18 years and a CranioSacral Therapist for 15 years. I also offer many types of readings, including Clairvoyant Aura Readings, Akashic Record Readings and Akashic Astrology.
To learn more about my services, I invite you to visit my websites and

Jim Berenholtz
Ceremonial Artist
Jim Berenholtz is an international ceremonial artist who has explored, researched and performed in over 90 countries. As a composer, painter, singer and multi-instrumentalist, he celebrates the unity in diversity of ancient and indigenous traditions.
He is author of the book “Journey to the Four Directions”, the composer of numerous film soundtracks, and in 1987 was the global coordinator of the International Sacred Sites Festival that focalized the Harmonic Convergence. Jim subsequently performed for 23 years as a snakedancer with live pythons and boa constrictors, and saved their shed skins to bury around the world in healing rituals of planetary transformation. He continues in that same spirit in Sedona, guiding local archaeological tours, offering personalized animal spirit readings, and building medicine wheels for the community.

Wendy Weidman
Vibrational Healer, Certified Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner
Wendy is the founder of Savvy Genius and our resident Sound Lounge Master! She is a conduit for the frequencies that activate our highest human potential. Working with energy medicine for over 30 years, and vibroacoustic therapy since 2016, she attracts adventure enthusiasts wanting to keep their bodies feeling great with advanced light and sound lounge technologies, couples looking to more deeply connect, and those seeking clarity while in the midst of a life-transition.
Specializing in Adventure Recovery Sessions with Frequency Therapy, Couples Quantum Vibroacoustic Transformations, Vibro-Chakra Energizing and Galactivation Divination Readings/Experiences, Wendy assists people to harmonize their frequencies across all aspects of life for High-Vibe, balanced, Well-BEing. As a Visionary with InHarmony, certified in Vibroacoustic Therapy, trained in Quantum Touch Healing, Access Consciousness ® Bars Clearings, The Wonder Method and Touch Therapy, she provides in-person frequency transformation sessions, outdoor adventure recovery, couples realignments, biokinesis, and holistic life-optimization.
Learn more at:
Local Practitioners
Practitioners Around Sedona

Sedona Mystical Tours
Sedona Vortex Tours & Spiritual Retreats
Sedona Mystical Tours
Healing Vortex Tours & Spiritual Retreats
At Sedona Mystical Tours, our goal is to help uplift the raising in consciousness through the support we offer such as sound and energy healing, astrology readings, intuitive guidance, and coaching, as well as ceremony, yoga and guided meditation on the red rocks.
We offer both single and multi-day experiences that are customizable for your intentions and desires. Let us know what we can do to help create a transformative experience for you during your time in Sedona.
Learn more at
Call: 928-203-1025

Nicole Asheriel
Starseed Intuitive Reader
With over a decade of experience in both personal and client healing, Nicole Asheriel connects with Source, as well as with your personal Angels and Spirit Guides to deliver clear messages, insight, and an understanding of your Divine Path and Purpose.
Ranging from use of her Intuitive Gifts, Energy Healing, Light Language, Andara Crystals and more, each session is uniquely different and guided by the Light of your own Soul. Nicole loves to work with Starseeds and Lightworkers who are ready to be of service to humanity and be part of the New Earth. Together, we co-create the experience and bring forth practical tools to shift your consciousness and elevate your life!
For more information, visit
or book a reading at

Claire Obermarck
Claire is the former Chair of Edinburgh’s oldest formal Storytelling Club as well as sitting on the Directory & Forum of The Scottish Storytelling Centre. Mentored by Master Storyteller David Campbell, Claire has appeared at festivals, public events and on the radio as well as working projects with archaeologists, historians and social workers. She’s taught teachers how to tell stories as well as worked with young offenders, detached groups and addicts. She was even invited to tell a story to Scottish Parliament! The word ‘ceilidh’ (kay lee) means simply to gather. Ceilidh Corner is a monthly gathering where anyone can Tell a Story, Recite a Poem, Sing a Song or Play a Tune. Traditional Storytelling grounds and heals naturally.
Learn more:

Rhea Maceris
Life Coach & Certified Hypnotherapist
One thing is for sure, I didn’t become a Life Coach overnight. For over 25 years, I’ve been honored to guide thousands of Clients. Each soul is welcomed with an open heart.
I’ve evolved traditional hypnotherapy into a new form of spiritual inquiry. Imagine Getaways sessions invoke self-exploration, insight, creativity and transformation of old ways of thinking and being into new magical ways of living and self-love. Imagine that!
“Rhea is amazing! I came to her with a sad spirit – one full of shame and in need of inspiration and the ability to forgive. With her inner journeys and outer journeys, Rhea guided me to restore my spirit, my joie de vivre, my spark. Rhea saved me from myself. She is exceptional in her abilities to sort through a person’s chaos so they can heal themselves and move forward. I will be eternally grateful that our paths crossed.’
Laura – Canada
Paula Green
Community Facilitator & Family Advocate
Paula has worked with Highly Aware youth and their families for over 20 years.
She is completing a conscious parenting book called Parenting Our Evolution. “The new world that is unfolding presents new challenges, skills and perspectives as we grow together.
Core cellular beliefs, traumas and conditioning are being stirred. We are taking more responsibility for our personal healing and surrendering our habits of distraction. The courage to articulate true desires and joys is bridging us to planetary rebirth and the healing of our families and relationships.” Paula now joins Ancestors and Soul Family who have the impulse to convene neighborhood nodes and community conversations that grow the seeds of New Earth.
Learn more here: